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Our beautiful Wren kitchen

With an open-plan living / dining and cooking area, we wanted a kitchen that would be the focus of the house. Having previously installed...

Carpet no thanks - bring on the LVT

LVT is Luxury Vinyl Tiles - a floor covering traditionally used in shops / the workplace for its durability but increasingly used in...

How to line walls and ceilings

We built our own interior walls from timber studs and originally thought that we would line the walls with plywood - timber-frame house...

The reality of rainwater harvesting

Our main motivation for building a passive house was a desire to live more sustainably. So we installed a rainwater harvester to reduce...

What we did in September

It's been a month since our last post. With the exception of Mal the roofer, we have been working on our own on site. So what have we...

Cladding, first fix electrics and more groundworks

The external surfaces of our Beattie Passive house were wrapped in (bright yellow) Wraptite membrane but needed to be clad to make them...

Windows and doors

Since the roof went up, our house has been wrapped in unsightly polythene to prevent rain blowing in through the door and window...

Microbead insulation

The Beattie Passive thermal envelope is created by filling the walls, roof and floor with a continuous blanket of insulation. Polystyrene...

Up on the roof

Our new passive house has a flat roof. How do you drain off the rainwater? You build a pitched deck and a parapet around the perimeter....

Weeks 3 and 4 - Walls and Garage Slab

Our timber frame is nearly complete. The next stage was to cover the frame with a modern, environmentally-friendly sheet material called...

Week 2 - Walls

The week started on a wet Tuesday morning with the delivery of the Easijoists that will form the roof. Our team of builders from Beattie...

Build Week 1 - Beams and Deck

Finally .. house construction began on Monday 29 April 2019. After an inconveniently wet weekend, we spent Sunday drying out the yellow...

Blocks, Bricks and Fences

After a week's lull, the groundworks team returned to build the next level of our foundations. The yellow plastic is a combined radon gas...


Groundworks Week 2 - mission - excavate trenches for the foundations and "pour" concrete. The site was levelled and marked out with pegs...

Groundworks - Week 1

Monday 11th March 2019 was G-Day, the long-awaited start of our groundworks. Our groundworks team - James and Tim - delivered their...

The garage refuses to go quietly ..

We got the roof off and we took down the walls. That only left the concrete floor. Martin hired the Makita demolition hammer that we used...

Demolishing the Garage

The route for our new drive goes straight through the garage for our existing house - so the garage had to go. We've been itching to get...

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